Why “Uber for Dump Trucks” is Bad for the Dump Truck Industry

uber for dump truck is bad for industry | Dauber Fleet Owner/ Dump Truck App

  It’s almost cliché by now, but there was a time recently when nearly all startup entrepreneurs were touting their newest “Uber for X” ideas.  Uber for Massage.  Uber for Dog Walking.  Uber for Pot Delivery (actually, there a several of those). At a valuation over $50 billion, who could blame founders for wanting to […]

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Dauber Featured on Startups San Antonio

San Antonio's Stem Startups Logo | Dauber App- Solutions for Fleet Owners, Drivers and Dispatchers

“We reject the ‘Uber for dump trucks’ business model,” Jones said. “The dump truck industry is built on trust between humans.  The great operators spend years building relationships with their customers, drivers, and owner-operators.  We respect that…”   Full article on: Startups San Antonio.  

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