Driver Support

Taking Care Of Your Team

We always want to make sure that your customers are being kept happy and deadlines are being met. In order to protect customer satisfaction,  we also want to ensure that the people behind the wheel are also being supported and taken care of while they’re on the road.

How Can Dauber Help?

A support team is always available to assist the drivers in your fleet through Dauber Assist. Dauber Assist is a feature within the app composed of our experienced team to answer any questions your drivers may have about the app, filter them, and come up with the most effective solutions.

Benefits Of Driver Support

Dauber Assist takes the load off your shoulders so that you can focus on your already busy day-to-day activities. We are happy to answer any questions your team may have and provide everyone with top-notch customer service.
iPhone showing the driver support feature of the Dauber app.

Schedule a Demo Today

"Compared to the old school method I endured for years, I'm far more efficient with less paperwork. And my drivers love the ease of the app. I can pay them faster now because everything they need to get paid fast is right on their phone."
Manager of AggShip in Austin, TX
"For years we've been looking for something like this. We even tried creating something from scratch. We were so glad to find this. Thank you!"
Tre Leoni
L Contractors in Austin & San Antonio, TX

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