Performance Reporting

Do More With Fleet Performance Reporting

When you can’t properly track your fleet or its performance, you’re left in the dark about your fleet’s operations, potentially losing precious time and money in inefficiencies.

How Can Dauber Help?

Dauber’s innovative use of real-time fleet performance reporting allows you to keep track of every aspect of your fleet. We work together to get a better understanding of your fleet’s specific needs and goals and work to integrate our fleet performance reporting naturally into your workflow.

What Does Fleet Performance Reporting Track?

We track a wide range of data from vehicle management and asset tracking, to in-depth analysis of cycle time through custom reporting.  The Dauber app allows you to view stats on your fleet’s performance based on your desired time frame, so you can see the total loads, tons, miles, hours, and CY.
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How Does Fleet Performance Reporting Help Your Fleet?

The data Dauber collects will allow you to see trends across your fleet, spot any inefficiencies slowing down your operations, develop solutions that effectively manage your operating costs, and boost your fleet’s performance.

Check out our case study with Whitney Transport to learn more about how the Dauber App helped them increase their fleet’s efficiency and improve their customer’s satisfaction even after 60 years in the dump truck business.

Schedule a Demo Today

"Compared to the old school method I endured for years, I'm far more efficient with less paperwork. And my drivers love the ease of the app. I can pay them faster now because everything they need to get paid fast is right on their phone."
Manager of AggShip in Austin, TX
"For years we've been looking for something like this. We even tried creating something from scratch. We were so glad to find this. Thank you!"
Tre Leoni
L Contractors in Austin & San Antonio, TX

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