Fleet Visualization and Dispatching: Dump Truck Pain Points

Dump Truck Fleet Visualization | Dauber App- Solutions for Fleet Owners, Drivers and Dispatchers

It’s no secret that the dump truck industry is slow to adopt technology. Traditional methods of getting the work done have not been able to alleviate headaches or high turnover, but what real choices does the industry have? Without a solution many industry workers feel stuck in their jobs, unhappy and unfulfilled.

Before reimagining any industry, it’s important to understand its unique pain points. In this 7-week blog series titled, “ Dump Truck Pain Points”, we’ll explore the most common pain points experienced by fleet owners, operators and drivers, and explain how the Dauber App was developed to help you overcome them.

Dauber’s goal for the industry as a whole is to equip it to enjoy higher profits, happy drivers and an overall better quality of life.

Welcome to part one, where we’ll explore:

Pain Points of Dump Truck Fleet Visualization and Dispatching

dump truck fleet visualization tool

Dump Truck Fleet Visualization

The Problem:

It’s nearly impossible to grow a business or work to optimize its current operations if you have no way of seeing all the moving pieces. For dump truck fleet owners and operators fleet visualization is critical to success, but sounds more like an impossible dream.

Right now, fleets often hit a cap in growth because the very limited access to driver data requires owners make blind business decisions – which often aren’t worth the risk.

Currently some fleets have equipped their trucks with Electronic Logging Devices (ELD’s) allowing them to see their truck’s movements on a map, but even with ELDs there is no way to guarantee a driver is where they need to be. This produces high anxiety for customers, who are still blind to the status of their material, because expensive delays occur when materials are late arriving. Now add the fact that trucks unnecessarily drive a high percentage of their miles with their beds empty every day, causing profits to slip away. This lack of control and visibility is causing serious stress for drivers and customers, and an unfortunate drop in confidence in fleet owners.

The Solution:

Knowing where trucks are in real-time would mean no more guessing on truck arrival times, increased confidence in good drivers and better relationships with paying customers.

Dauber’s easy to use app makes fleet visualization simple. Whether on your mobile phone or on your computer, the dashboard allows you to see which trucks are on a job, where they are traveling to and their estimated time of arrival. This information can also be shared with the customer.

The app also allows fleet owners to see where trucks were when they logged off, who has recently completed a job and who is waiting to be dispatched to their next job.

dump truck dispatching tool

Dump Truck Automatic Dispatching

The Problem:

Currently, truck drivers wait for a phone call or text message from the dispatcher with the information about their next load. Phone calls and text messages are not a reliable or safe way to ensure all the correct information is shared and received.

Additionally, even the best dispatchers will miss the most efficient sequence or backhaul opportunities.

The Solution:

Automatic dispatching done through our app ensures not only all the correct information is given to drivers, but with the help of Dauber’s auto-dispatching tool, it assigns trucks to the jobs that are, in fact, most efficient. All day long Dauber continually reexamines all the available work and trucks, then dispatches intelligently to lower the number of empty miles driven. Before now, this has been impossible.

Driver performance increases as they’re given the information needed to succeed. Customer satisfaction increases in relation to the increase in on-time deliveries, and profit increases for fleet owners and drivers as the amount of empty miles decreases and repeat customers grows.

Dauber understands each fleet has its own set of needs and goals for the future. That’s why we take our time getting to know fleet owners and their particular needs.  It’s important to us that our app is a solution that is effective, easy to use and enjoyable for everyone

If you’re ready for a change, schedule a Dauber demo today.