Dauber FREE for all new customers until June 1, 2020

Driver using Touchless Ticketing

Dauber free for all new customers until June 1, 2020


At Dauber, our focus continues to be on the health and safety of drivers and site operators. Since our feature launch last month, several fleets and contractors have mandated the use of Dauber’s Touchless Ticket Approval on their jobs.

We are so happy to protect workers during this emergency while allowing our part of the economy to remain productive. In fact, some drivers are making 10% more loads due to the time savings of not waiting on a signature.

However, models show the effects of COVID-19 to be most acute over the next two months. Experts stress the importance of social distancing immediately to limit the damage done by this disease.

In response, Dauber announces the use of our entire system, including Touchless Ticket Approval, for free to all new, qualified customers over this critical time period (until June 1, 2020).  See below for additional qualifications and conditions.

Learn more about Touchless Ticket Approval

Thank you!

Brian Jones
Founder & CEO

Qualifications & Conditions

  1. Fleets must run at least 20 trucks per day or 400 loads per week
  2. New customers must operate in the United States or Canada
  3. Must use Touchless Ticket Approval, including setup of site operator users
  4. Customer setup priority based on date of signup and Dauber team availability
  5. Standard support and setup services for $99/week

We appreciate our existing customers for allowing us to “pay it forward” to protect other companies’ drivers and site operators.