Moving Forward, Together

Photo of Brian Jones talking to truck driver

Moving Forward, Together 

In June 2016, I left a 20-year career as a general contractor. Over that time, I was blessed to be part of teams that built some of the largest commercial construction projects in Texas. Those teams included gifted subcontractors and trustworthy suppliers. My friends. 

I had always been curious about technology in construction and appreciated the opportunity to bring new solutions to old problems. 

One particular problem grabbed my attention at the time. Why did construction trucking seem so frustrating? Paper tickets were a hassle to track. Shouldn’t I be able to see a truck’s location and have some idea when it would arrive at my site? 

This is when I decided to found Dauber

Over the next six years, our team built Dauber into the most powerful truck management system specifically for construction trucking and local bulk hauling. We solved the paper ticket process, gave end-users full visibility to truck activity, and generally made construction trucking more enjoyable. 

A startup, like Dauber, needs input from early adopters and visionary customers. I am grateful for the many drivers, owner-operators, brokers, and haulers who provided the feedback necessary to take Dauber from MVP to Product-Market fit. Thank you, my friends. 

Having built Dauber, I realize that it only solves a niche problem. And now it is time to solve a much larger problem. That’s why I’ve joined with leaders in the hauling and site construction industries to found NewMile

NewMile is centered on providing the industry with next-level innovations and  

support. Our vision is to raise the standard of service through every interaction by delivering end-to-end solutions for bulk logistics. We bring our unique combination of people, innovation, and experience to fill in the gaps between site operators, material suppliers, and trucking companies. 

Personally, I’m excited to bring my subcontractor and supplier friends from my construction career together with new friends from my trucking technology career. 

The first major step towards the NewMile mission is  for Dauber to become a part of the NewMile system 

I’m excited to announce that we are now, “Dauber by NewMile”; the first of many products the NewMile team will release over the next several months for site operators, material suppliers, and haulers. 

What does this mean for Dauber customers? You’ll continue to receive the same great service from the team, and I look forward to sharing new innovations with you soon. The only change you’ll see immediately are new logos, colors, and fonts. 

Thank you!  


Improve Driver Engagement to Optimize Your Trucking Fleet

truck driver talking with project manager

Managing your fleet starts with managing your drivers. As the industry evolves and your trucks depreciate over time, the experience and knowledge your drivers acquire throughout their careers will carry your company past any hurdle. They’re the ones out on the road, witnessing your fleet’s performance first-hand. That includes your successes and inefficiencies. While fleet managers’ role is to manage your fleet and oversee drivers, developing them and maintaining driver engagement is a task all on its own.

Driver engagement and behaviors are the backbone to any fleet, and in order to sustain its health and success, they need a solid foundation to support them. If your drivers feel they are kept in the dark when making critical decisions or that they’re a replaceable cog in a machine, their performance will reflect that.

The issue of low driver engagement can be solved from the root. Here’s a few key ways you can leverage the expertise of your drivers to improve engagement while optimizing your fleet.

Fuel Efficiency

It’s your biggest expense, and the best way to control that cost is to zone in on the thing that relies on that expense: your fleet. Every skilled driver knows a big factor in a vehicle’s fuel consumption highly depends on how it’s driven.

Monitoring mpg might not seem like an impactful tactic, but when you have multiple vehicles operating under one company, the impact evidently strengthens. Additionally, poor driving behaviors can prove detrimental to your operations. That’s because reactive driving not only increases the chance of accidents, but harsh and sporadic behaviors can lower the lifespan of your assets, including tires, brakes, and engine. 

You might be thinking, “I’ve got effective procedures set in place to make sure that doesn’t happen.” But the case in any industry is that detailed policies and measures are only effective if they are executed properly by a compliant team. The compliant team is the key.

Boosting Morale 

The industry is always on the move, and your mind is just the same. So, at times you might forget to pause and evaluate the less-tangible aspects of your operations: the development, happiness, and overall morale of your team.

Low morale leads to high turnover rates, which costs your fleet in the long run by affecting production– preventing income– and increasing the need for training– requiring spending. At the end of the day, when employees are happy, they want to keep the good thing going, so there is a higher likelihood they will take thorough care of equipment and adhere to policies and procedures. So what can you do to boost morale?

Include those who will be affected when making decisions.

    • As changes and critical decisions are made, it is important to include everyone who will be affected in the decision making process. From those who manage the finances to your drivers, they can offer valuable insight that can lead you towards a better direction than you initially thought. Remember, they’re the ones on the frontline. Having their input on those decisions results in better buy-in and compliance.

Keep an open line of communication.

    • Engage in tactical conversations with your drivers. No one appreciates being micromanaged. You have to trust that your drivers are using their tools appropriately to maximize their performance and productivity, but a quick check-in to give your drivers an update or see how they’re doing can remind them how critical their role is to your fleet. 

Invest in more efficient, updated vehicles.

    • No one likes to deal with unreliable equipment. It’s a nuisance, a disruptor, and not something you feel proud to use. Studies show that when a fleet’s ergonomics are optimized, it decreases accidents and increases driver comfort, which helps to limit driver fatigue.

Your fleet is a living and breathing operation. Constantly pushing as hard as you can will exhaust your people and resources, but creating strategies to optimize efficiency can produce greater performance than ever imagined.

Drivers ultimately become more invested in the success of the company when they feel heard, valued, supported and considered. They in turn are more thoughtful in their actions, which means improved safety-protocol adherence and fuel management.

Empower Your Drivers So Your Fleet Can Exceed Expectations

Think smarter, not harder. Design your operations to be self-sustaining so it always has a solid foundation to fall back on. Reliable tools are only useful if you have a reliable team, so make sure you have holistic strategies in place and adapt effective software that allows for uninterrupted communication and workflow among your team, from the back office to the road.  

Take your strategy a step further and adopt a system that puts even more power in the hands of your drivers. Dauber Applications has an easy to use mobile app to help drivers track loads with simple, safe prompts to optimize their routes. The app provides remote technical assistance in English and Spanish to make sure your drivers always have support. Learn more about the Dauber Process.

Optimizing Sugar Cane Harvesting and Delivery

sugar cane harvested to delivered by trucks

Over 1,000,000 Tons of Sugar Cane Delivered by Dauber and SCGC

Dauber partnered with Belle Glade, Florida-based Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative of Florida (SCGC) to bring visibility into their sugar cane harvesting and delivery operations. This first-of-its-kind partnership will lead to optimized truck usage and a streamlined process between SCGC’s various field management and accounting systems.

SCGC runs between 120-200 trucks per day, seven days a week during harvest season to support nine harvest teams, called ‘units’.

Given the long distances between the fields and plant and the variable burn/cut rates of their units, SCGC often found two common issues prior to their partnership with Dauber: There were either not enough trucks at the field to keep up with the unit, or issues in the field led to too many trucks sitting idle, waiting to be loaded.

To overcome this obstacle, SCGC relies on Dauber.

Dauber’s daily assignment planner and AI-based dispatching system helps allocate trucks more efficiently and reduces the amount of time a truck or unit sits idle. The Dauber platform also allows haulers and growers the ability to track the yield of their efforts in real-time, and with customized views and reports.

The next steps for Dauber and SCGC are to fine-tune the truck optimization and integrate Dauber with their other systems, including John Deere and Quickbase.

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The Dauber Process

fleet truck

The first step to optimizing a trucking system is Driver Engagement.

  • Dauber’s easy-to-use mobile app helps drivers track loads with simple, safe prompts.
  • Dauber can provide remote bilingual support.
stack of papers that are getting in the way icon | Dauber Fleet Owner/ Dump Truck App

Once drivers are engaged, Dauber’s system continuously collects data.

  • Track travel time, routes, load time and plant times.
  • Dauber’s system adjusts to data in real-time to allow for automated changes to truck dispatch needs.
Truck icon with app on top | Dauber Fleet Owner/ Dump Truck App

All stakeholders benefit from increased visibility.

  • Share truck locations with haulers and growers. This gives added confidence that trucks are moving, nearby, or being productive.
growth in fleet and trucking industry icon | Dauber Fleet Owner/ Dump Truck App

Dauber’s system analyzes and learns about operations.

  • AI-based algorithms can allocate trucks to reduce wait times.
  • Custom business rules (i.e. minimum trucks needed for a field) can be adjusted to meet customer needs.
dauber app desktop icon | Dauber Fleet Owner/ Dump Truck App

Dauber has an open API and can integrate with any third-party system.

  • Get started with simple tools (i.e. spreadsheets, Dauber Assist) then automate processes using existing tools.

Site Contractors: There is Not a Truck Shortage

Before founding Dauber, I was a construction project manager for 20 years. I’ve heard every excuse imaginable as to why a project was running behind.

One excuse that seems to be in vogue lately for Site Contractors not hitting their production rates is the “truck shortage.” From foreman to managers to owners, this excuse has been accepted as true and the reason for projects to finish late and to pass on opportunities for new projects.

There is Not a Truck Shortage! There is a Leadership and Technology Shortage.

Did you know that dump trucks are driving loaded only 35% of the time? The remaining 65% of their working hours are spent driving empty back to pickup, or waiting on site to be loaded or unloaded.

The good news is there are several opportunities to turn a truck’s empty or idle time into productive movement of materials through technology based accountability and optimization.


Hold drivers, suppliers and field personnel accountable to the efficient use of truck time.


Using technologies, like Dauber, dispatchers and site contactors can track drivers current location and historic routes. Compare turn around time between trucks to identify drivers who may be taking longer than necessary or taking breaks when they should be working.


It seems everyone is busy these days that includes material suppliers. Help your suppliers service your project better by tracking load times at pickup. See trends throughout the day to plan the best time to get loaded.

Field Personnel

Is your field team operating at maximum efficiency? Give them visibility into truck locations in real-time, so they can be prepared to unload quickly, or if trucks are several minutes away, work on other tasks.

Track unloading times across several days to measure improvements.


Traditional truck dispatching has basically been unchanged over the past 80 years. Dispatchers communicate with drivers via phone (now text messages) and tell them the list of loads for the day.

Technology now makes it possible to reduce empty drive by finding backhauls, space trucks to prevent caravans and queuing, create an optimized next-day plan in minutes and adjust to changing conditions automatically.


Perhaps the biggest opportunity to increase truck productivity lies in the time a truck drives empty. Most projects operate in a silo, meaning a truck will work one particular project at a time.

Savvy dispatchers and site operators will look for backhaul opportunities. Backhauls from human dispatchers tend to be obvious when observed on a map.

Technology can provide deeper analysis of daily loads to find hidden partial backhauls and combinations of three or more projects to make efficient circuits.

Caravans & Queuing

Several minutes per day are wasted by caravanning trucks. Drivers tend to be social and prefer to drive in packs. This leads to delays as trucks wait on one another to load or unload.

An optimized planning tool, like Dauber, can be set to limit the number of trucks on site at a time, thus staggering deliveries.

This also increases field productivity as trucks arrive at a more consistent rate. Technology can help avoid the problem of having several trucks on site to start the day, and the resulting echo effect of truck caravans.

Assignment Planning

Dispatchers typically spend several hours every afternoon and evening to determine the best truck assignments for the next day.

With technology, a better plan can be found in only a matter of minutes.

Automatic Change Adjustment

The only thing certain about a trucking plan is that it will change before the sun rises.

Stuff happens. Trucks don’t show up. Orders increase. Projects finish early.

Instead of leaving loads undelivered or sending trucks home early, use technology to automatically adjust to changes throughout the day.

There is Not a Truck Shortage

You can do more with the trucks available. Dauber customers increase productivity between 10%-20%.

As a Site Contractor, how much more money could you make this year with a 20% improvement in truck productivity?

I often hear contractors wish trucking companies were more professional. The only way for that to happen is to treat them like professionals. Lead them to a better future. Provide for them or require that they use technology to improve productivity.

And stop using the “truck shortage” as an excuse!

Breaking Down the Hauling & Logistics Industry

truck road train

Working in the hauling and logistics industry is more than a career choice – it’s a lifestyle. The seed was planted way back when you were just a little tyke. It’s part of who you are, regardless if it was instilled by a lineage of truckers or if you were led here by your desire to challenge yourself to work in an energizing, innovative industry. 

To appreciate where we stand now, we have to recognize where our trucking ancestors started. 

The Impact of the Industry

The hauling and logistics industry came to life in 1912, with 10,000 trucks as their lifeline. Today, there are around 40 million!

The trucking industry employs 3.9 million commercial driver’s license holders as of 2018, according to the  American Trucking Associations. These drivers deliver 70 percent of all the freight carried throughout the United States. Their contributions and dedication have helped the industry itself reach a value of $11.5 trillion with $791.7 billion in gross revenue.

Saying we’ve come a long way is an understatement.

hauling and logistics then and now

Hauling & Logistics: Then & Now

Take a second to remember the good ol’ days, when winging it was the norm. Finding your next job and destination took initiative and proactivity – Now, they come to you so you can keep your schedule full. Once you got to your destination, you had to pull out a flimsy piece of paper to keep track of tickets and document extremely critical data, then hope it made it to the next stop with you – Now, all you have to do is take a picture of the ticket, upload it, and input the rest of the data into your phone. No more lost data, no more gaps – life is good.

Perhaps we’ve been spoiled by the innovative resources and technology we use and abuse today, but they do make our past processes look like a bad joke. It’s hard to imagine functioning in such a demanding industry without a proper tool belt.

dauber app desktop icon | Dauber Fleet Owner/ Dump Truck App
With Dauber’s Hauling & Logistics App, you can...
  • Track loads and manage trucks
  • Coordinate schedules
  • Optimize routes with GPS
  • Digitally document loads

A major plus? Since everything is done online, invoicing and accounting are completed way more efficiently so you can focus on the fun parts of your job instead of the tedious, confusing paperwork.

Optimizing the Industry Through Innovation

It’s no question that implementing technology into the hauling and logistics industry was a necessary move, but it’s not often that we take time to look at the before and after and thank our lucky stars that someone out there was staying ahead of the game. Now, we get to reap in all the benefits.

Dauber Applications is just one contributor to the improved workflow, but we take great pride in knowing our input has been monumental for our partners in the industry. Find out how we’re changing the game from the lens of one of our partners, Manatt’s Inc. by clicking here.

Apps for Hauling and Logistics Increase Trust and Results for your Partners

hauling and logistics

One of the most favorable features available on apps for hauling and logistics is Fleet Performance Reporting. This feature allows fleet owners to have visibility on all the critical pieces of their operation. 

It puts the control in your hands, it’s just up to you to steer. 

Being safe on the road, making efficient moves, and using resources wisely are qualities that maintain successful partnerships. In doing so, you make room for new connections to be made within the transportation industry. It helps accomplish the ultimate goal of maintaining customer’s trust and happiness.  

See Your Fleet Operation Under a Microscope

Fleet Performance Reporting software makes customers feel more connected to everyone involved in the process. This is the essential foundation to a successful partnership. Specifics make customers happy. It can be frustrating when people don’t know the status of a delivery. By tracking your drivers, you can give real-time updates. And keep them from feeling lost or unacknowledged.

Some of the highlights that the software offers are stats on total loads, tons, miles, and hours accomplished by your team. You can see a wide range of data that includes vehicle management, asset tracking, and in-depth analysis of cycle time. Additionally, you have the ability to combine it with Power BI if you’d like more customized reporting.

Tracking Your Trucks & Drivers Increases Confidence

The Fleet Performance Reporting feature not only helps you monitor your trucks but can also keep track of your drivers’ productivity. Typically, when people hear that they’re being tracked, they think of micro-managing, but that’s not the intention of the software. It’s important to trust that your drivers are making the most beneficial decisions. At times, they may need guidance, and that’s when you should step in.

The visibility of your trucks and drivers ensures that they are driving smart and safe. If a driver is not following protocols or falling short of expectations, the Fleet Performance Reporting feature will let you know. Behaviors can be corrected in time to keep your drivers safe and uphold your company’s credibility.

How Truck Driver Safety Impacts Efficacy

Things like unsafe driving and late deliveries can cause serious damage to your company’s reputation. Most importantly, unsafe driving increases the chances of something bad happening on the road. Unforeseen hazards may come your way every day, and we need to be equipped for those moments.

Safety is always the priority for bulk material hauling and logistics professionals. That’s why many insurance companies offer discounted rates if tracking technology is incorporated into your fleet operations. It’s a communal effort to keep our roads safe.

Dauber’s technology lends a hand in this effort by creating an efficient, safe, and seamless driving experience. Their app for hauling and logistics offers innovative software, including Fleet Performance Reporting and plenty of other convenient features, to help you increase the efficacy of your operation. Learn more about each of these features and how they can contribute to your company’s growth and success.

3 Ways to Optimize Fleet Performance

truck driving

Professionals in the trucking industry are constantly researching ways to optimize fleet performance, maximize income and minimize spending. When issues arise that cost you time and money, your profitability is jeopardized. With the use of apps for hauling and logistics, you can mitigate those troubles by leveraging the convenient features that are available.

route optimization

Route Optimization is
Changing the Game

Together, responsive route optimization and integrated maps ensure that drivers always find the fastest, most efficient routes.

The app creates routes to incorporate as many pick up spots as possible so you eliminate miles driven with an empty truck. The app does this all while finding ways to shred off unnecessary time spent driving on your way to each pick-up spot. With the inclusion of specific driving instructions for each task, customer’s needs and expectations are always met.

fuel efficiency

Fuel Efficiency
at its Finest

A byproduct of optimizing your truck routes is that you can avoid wasting gas! Whether it be by having your trucks running while stuck in traffic, or adding on extra empty miles, these little things can end up costing fleet truck companies big time in the long-run; especially if these errors are made consistently.

Fuel efficiency is a priority in the trucking industry, and efforts are consistently made to minimize inefficient use of funds. Fuel is a costly component, and if there’s a way to cut some of that cost, it should always be taken advantage of.

fleet truck

Stalled Trucks Equal
Stalled Progress

Stalled traffic isn’t the only thing holding back your company’s efficiency. Stalled progress prevents full utilization of resources. While drivers are no stranger to actively waiting for their next route, the time wasted waiting for those routes is notably counter-productive.

You can minimize the time drivers waste when forced to sit and wait for their next task by leveraging the automatic dispatching software that’s available on Dauber. This feature helps you plan and manage schedules to make sure that no load is ever late or forgotten.

Implementing New Trucking Software

Transitioning a team to a new workflow usually provokes push back and frustrations. Especially when the new processes are complicated and hard to understand. 

That’s why Dauber has strived to make our software straightforward and easy to navigate. We’ve made way for smooth implementation so you can get back on the road!

Together, these features can
  • Maximize the use of tools and workers
  • Make and spend money efficiently
  • Take on additional loads
  • Eliminate wasted tickets
  • Take advantage of every minute
  • Reduce empty miles
  • Optimize fleet performance

8 Steps for a Successful Fleet Management System Rollout

Fleet Management

8 Steps for a Successful Fleet Management System Rollout

Change is tough. Especially for an industry that has been around for years and is very set in their ways. Traditionally, fleet management has been a manual process using antiquated communication and tracking methods, with responsibilities divided up among multiple people. With a fleet management system, tracking your fleet, identifying routes, managing pick-ups and deliveries, and getting paid has never been easier or more efficient.

Let’s take a look at how to successfully roll out a new fleet management system to a team who may not fully understand how it will help their day-to-day operation.

Benefits of Fleet Management Systems

First, let’s review some of the benefits of a fleet management system. With a system like Dauber, you can:

  • Increase the number of jobs per day with responsive route optimization, allowing your company to complete more loads in less time.
  • Minimize back office issues with paperless ticketing. All load pick-up and drop-off confirmations are completed digitally, meaning no more missing paper tickets, ensuring you get paid.
  • Save time and money by eliminating idle driver time with automatic dispatching which assigns a new job as soon as the previous one has been completed.
  • Create a centralized place for your day-to-day business needs by integrating accounting softwares.

Fleet management systems can be adopted by transportation companies and brokers, both large and small, to attain their maximum productivity potential. With the increasing demand for efficient and faster service delivery, transitioning to this technological approach to management is the best way to stay ahead of the game.

How to Roll Out a New Fleet Management System

Now that you’ve decided to adopt a fleet management system, you need to think about which product you’re going to move forward with, how you’re going to roll it out, and how you’re going to be sure it’s successful once in place. While all new projects experience obstacles, either human or technological, mitigate the effects of those obstacles by following these steps to successfully roll out a trucking management system.

  1. Product Selection

Different fleet management solutions provide various bells and whistles, however, they are all designed to offer a series of core functions. For example, Dauber offers automated dispatching, responsive route optimization, touchless ticketing and 24/7 support. Rolling out a system with these types of features offers a great ROI and increases the probability of buy-in for a successful rollout.

  1. Guarantee Leadership Buy-in

Before setting your software implementation and onboarding timeline, securing leadership buy-in from the start is essential. Without the appropriate buy-in from your organization’s management team, priorities and timelines may not be aligned. This will cause potential delays and confusion to the rest of the team. Note that many seamless implementations tend to have a robust executive presence throughout the entire journey. So, involving high-level employees early guarantees vertical alignment of system rollout goals.

  1. Employee Buy-in

Safeguarding employee buy-in for the transition always defines the long-term success of your fleet management implementation. Anticipate initial resistance to the concept since workers always view transition as a threat to their jobs. Ensure you involve the employees by explaining the reasons for the new software and invite their input concerning the transition. This can help lessen the resistance by offering a chance to participate in decision-making and cultivate early adopters. Fleet management software helps organizations become predictable and efficient, increasing the odds of getting new clients which will ultimately benefit both the employer and employee. 

  1. Prioritize Driver Education and Communication

While all employee buy-in is important, it’s especially important that your drivers are convinced. Whether your objective is to improve efficiency, safety, or retention, ensure you concentrate on how the system will directly benefit drivers. This will help lessen any friction between the management and drivers and speed up the transition.

  1. Metrics

You need to be able to measure the performance of a fleet management system to understand its real value. To do this, identify key metrics to track before and after the rollout. Tracking these metrics before the implementation offers a reference point that allows you to measure developments and improvements brought on by the new software. After you’ve implemented the system, proceed with the normal operation for a short duration to find out if the software offers comparable metrics. This will serve as a check on the initial metrics and that you’ve set up the software effectively. When you start using the system fully, you will then be able to compare previous metrics and scale development as fitting.

  1. Set a Plan and Goals

A fleet management software can’t deliver miracles, and you shouldn’t expect it to. True advancement takes time. Inspect your metrics and create incremental and attainable goals for growth. Set a plan with short-term and tentative long-term growth goals. Then, identify techniques for reaching those goals. For instance, you can command drivers to lessen idle time, but will they actually do that? Instead, give them tips and tools to utilize within the system to enhance routing and minimize downtime. 

  1. Set a Timeline

One of the notable challenges when it comes to implementing software is sticking to the set timelines. From the back office staff to drivers, several shareholders can make schedules hard. For this reason, it’s vital to set a realistic go-live date, with company-wide circumstances in mind, to assist in making sure every person is on track and set up for success.

  1. Keep in Touch with Your Client Success and Support Crew

One of the benefits of working with a software company who offers a client success and support crew is getting access to the company’s knowledge and expertise. Your client success manager’s duty is to support you during the rollout and implementation because your success equates to their success. Make sure you keep in touch with this team if any concerns or questions come up.

Irrespective of your truck fleet’s size, rolling out a fleet management software will be a considerable improvement and help increase your company’s revenue over time. While it may not be easy, it will be worth it. And at Dauber, we are dedicated to ensuring a successful roll-out for you and your team. Ready to take the next step? Schedule a demo.

Benefits Of A Transportation Management System

management system

Benefits Of A Transportation Management System

For years, the trucking industry has been bogged down by logistical obstacles. Lost paperwork and miscommunication between drivers leads to deliveries arriving late and customers being unhappy. A transportation management system automates your fleets dispatching and relieves the headache of having to manage your drivers schedules and deadlines. Dauber’s automatic dispatching technology is easy-to-use and it will help you plan and speed up the overall flow of materials. Other transportation management system features like fleet performance reporting and paperless tickets have become one of the most effective ways to keep track of everything you need, from roads and schedules to drivers and invoicing. Listed below are just a few of the other benefits of Dauber’s transportation management system.


Automatic Dispatching Makes It Easier To Find Drivers

Instead of waiting around all day to connect with your drivers about their next job, automatic dispatching technology allows you to send out work automatically to the drivers in your fleet. Your drivers will be picking up or dropping off materials through an optimized route based on their availability and their current location. This updated technology ensures that your trucks are maximizing their loads per day and that they are showing up in the right place at the right time.


Going Paperless Helps You Get Paid Faster

Gone are the days where you let stacks of load slips and tickets pile up on your desk. Misplaced papers not only throw off the flow of materials, but it could also mean that you do not get paid. With no documentation of the materials moving between sites, you could be held liable and risk not receiving payment for completing the jobs. Electronic load slips and touchless ticketing keep your drivers safer and you more organized as everything is digitized and made conveniently accessible from your smartphone. With this technology, you’ll never lose another load slip and your invoicing and payroll can be done more accurately, efficiently, and quickly.

Status Tracking Increases Your Visibility

GPS status tracking increases the real-time visibility of your fleet as it allows you to see where the truck is on its route and stay up to date as it moves between sites. Responsive route optimization technology automatically gives drivers the best route with clear driving instructions to their next pick-up location.  As jobs are completed, fleet performance reporting is done automatically to evaluate the drivers’ job performance. These transportation management system features make communication and coordination between you and your drivers much easier. More visibility ultimately means more control over your fleet.

Dauber Makes Your Fleet More Efficient

The Dauber app is a valuable tool that maximizes your fleet’s efficiency with features like automatic dispatching and route optimization. Dauber’s easy-to-use features and real-time support gives you everything you need to scale with your fleet as it grows. Automating the workflow and utilizing transportation management technology will ultimately help you to increase visibility and have better control of your fleet. You can optimize your logistics and start inspiring your drivers to be more efficient by scheduling a demo with the Dauber app today!

COVID-19’s Impact on the Trucking Industry

trucking industry

COVID-19’s Impact on the Trucking Industry

We are truly living through unprecedented times. COVID-19 has impacted what seems like every industry and business throughout the U.S. in some way. Over the past few months, businesses have closed down, stay-at-home orders were put in place, and social distancing protocols were established. It is in times of crisis like this, that the trucking industry shines through as an important piece of the backbone for the economy.

The information below will guide you through some of the most significant changes and things to keep in mind as an employee in the trucking industry.


Rules and Regulations

Truck drivers were deemed essential critical infrastructure workers and have continued to work through the chaos of COVID-19. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, or the FMCSA, has issued a few new waivers and rules to ensure that things can continue to run smoothly on the roads.

  • CDL Waivers: It is now easier than ever for drivers to get their CDL renewed. All CDL’s that expire on or after March 1, 2020 have been automatically extended to September 30, 2020. 
  • CDL Exams: CDL examiners can now administer a CDL test from outside the cab or even conduct testing online.
  • Medical Certification: CDL and CLP holders will not be required to take a medical examination and be certified if:
    • They have proof of being medically certified for 90 days or longer
    • The medical certification expires on or after March 1, 2020 


Driver Health and Safety

Drivers continue to risk their health to help the economy and make sure the supply chains continue operating undisturbed. Although drivers spend the majority of their time alone in the cab of their truck, there is always the risk of contracting the virus when interacting with site operators, coworkers, or when stopping to access amenities.

Personal protective equipment (PPE) should be made readily available for all drivers to promote their health and safety while on the road. The fewer drivers have to come in close contact with other people or objects at all, the better. Touchless ticketing technology benefits drivers and site operators, because they can conveniently conduct all business from their smartphone. This technology significantly reduces the chance of disease transmission altogether, as drivers never needs to leave their truck and ticket signers don’t have to hand over a physical piece of paper.


The Dauber App is Safe and Easy-to-Use

The Dauber App can help you get ahead in the trucking industry and have one of the most efficient fleets on the road. COVID-19 is going to continue to evolve and bring other changes to the trucking industry. Daubers’ incredible features like Touchless Ticketing and Automatic Dispatching will have you optimizing the logistics of your fleet even through COVID-19. Upgrade your fleet by scheduling a demo with the Dauber App today so that you can begin to operate in the safest and most efficient manner possible!