The People Behind Dauber: Meet Jay Heck

Jay Heck, Customer Service | Dauber App

The most important piece of Dauber Applications is its people, Part Two.

(Did you miss Part One? Read our blog on CEO and Co-Founder, Brian Jones).

Without the passion and dedication of our team, Dauber would lack the human component that makes the app’s possibilities so impactful. To better understand what Dauber can do for you, we believe it’s important you understand the people behind it.

Meet Jay Heck, Dauber Application’s Support Manager

While his role has evolved, Jay has worked with the Dauber team almost since the beginning. As a peacemaker, he is attracted to identifying problems and working with people toward their resolution. The promise of helping dump truck drivers become the hero of their own story excites Jay and he looks forward to each opportunity to help them improve their quality of life.

Q: What is Your Favorite Thing About the Dauber App?

A: My favorite thing about the Dauber App is helping people discover the freedom that’s right on the other side of some obstacle by helping tear it down. The Dauber App is helping drivers feel listened to and appreciated, which powers this shift from being skeptical to excited for what’s next. Being a part of that shift is a great feeling.

Q: What Are You Most Proud Of?

A: “Truth fears no trial”, repeats in my head as I think about this question. I’m proud of how the Dauber App liberates the industry, really.  Right now, the dump truck industry is broken, partly because there’s so little accountability, which is crucial for establishing a good reputation and helping companies improve their services. It’s bad for everyone when dishonest people can stay in the shadows while the hard work of honest drivers goes unseen. As long as a driver is using the Dauber App he is establishing trust and peace of mind by allowing his work to be seen and measured, both by his company and his customers. Drivers have an account with their performance statistics at their fingertips now. They’ve never had that. Good drivers are recognized for their hard work and it’s much harder for the dishonest to hide.

Q: What Are Your Hopes for the Future of the Dump Truck Industry?

A: I would like to see technology disrupt the industry in a way that helps truckers feel dignified again. Right now, there’s no way to see and celebrate their hard work. There needs to be a way for those who want to operate fully disclosed to cross a line into the light and enjoy the rewards of their crossing.

Q: What Would You Like to Say to All of the Dump Truck Drivers Out There?

A: Clearly one of the best things about driving a truck is the freedom you enjoy. Dauber not only does not infringe on that freedom, it effectively offers more. Whether you know it or not, you’ve been needing this tool. This will positively affect your quality of life.



Q: What Would You Like to Say to All of the Dump Truck Fleet Owners Out There?

A: If you have the desire and courage to reinvent your business, you can. Dauber can help you do it.

If you’re ready to talk about how the Dauber App could change your business and your life, send us a note. Our team is ready to help you understand just how much better your days can get.