Submit a Ticket in 3 Easy Steps

  • Name of fleet/operator
  • Phone number
  • Subject
  • Description
  • Attachment (screenshot of the issue, optional)
  • Email
 Someone will be with you as soon as possible. Thank you for being a loyal Dauber customer!

View Your Truck Data

  • Truck
  • Trips
  • Edit Truck
  • Driver Loads
  • Remove Driver
  • Go Off-call
  • Predictions

It’s that simple! Should you have any questions, submit a ticket!

How To Submit An Order And Reorder

Congratulations! You have submitted an order or “job.”

Fantastic, you have reordered! If you have any further questions, refer back to our other app assistance videos!

Increase Operational Efficiency to Improve Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study of Whitney Transport

operational efficiency

A Brief History

Whitney is a local, family-owned and operated company in the dry bulk material and dump truck services industry with a combined 60 years of experience. Founder & CEO, Chris Whitney, was frustrated with the challenges he was experiencing in the industry when he found Dauber. With Dauber, Whitney was able to increase the satisfaction of their drivers and better serve their customers.

Struggles Before Dauber

Leading Up to Dauber

Chris Whitney had a vision of working with large fleets, but he knew this wouldn’t be possible following these outdated processes. He believed that visibility, accountability, and transparency would allow Whitney to provide superior customer service. 

They needed a more efficient operations system that would accurately communicate to their customers when their load was coming. He had a vision of the perfect product and knew a solution was out there. Whitney was introduced to Dauber, and after seeing it in action, Whitney knew they were onto something. 

With aggressive goals, they onboarded their entire operation with Dauber in January 2019. Chris’s father, Rick, who has been in the industry for 46 years, was there to help oversee Whitney Transport’s launch. After only a few hours of operation, Rick was in awe, explaining to his son that “[He has] been around for 68 years and this is the coolest thing [he’s] seen.”

“The positive response from our customers and drivers has been unbelievable”
– Chris Whitney.


Life With Dauber


Since incorporating Dauber Applications into their structure, Whitney has:

A Few of Whitney’s Favorite Dauber Features

There’s an increase in transparency by seeing what’s going on in real-time. Whitney now can be proactive and solve issues before customers/drivers know the problem even exists. Dauber’s impact on their internal onboarding process has been another massive win for Whitney. Overall, Whitney is excited to have Dauber as a partner and can’t wait for what the future holds.

Building a Business from the Tech Up: AGGSHIP

building a business

A Brief History

Steve Howard started in the trucking industry back in 2006, working for other large aggregate haulers. From the start, he couldn’t help but notice the decades-long inefficiencies that were holding the industry back. With the rise of technology in the 2000s, Steve figured that there had to “be a better way.”

In January of 2018, AGGSHIP Solutions was founded with Dauber technology as an integral part of their business model. AGGSHIP operates solely off of independently contracted truckers. With Dauber, AGGSHIP has created a business model that decreases paperwork while increasing revenue and loads per day.

Struggles Before Dauber

Leading Up to Dauber

Steve had worked with other trucking and logistics applications prior to starting AGGSHIP. However, none of them stuck. The business model either interfered with how he wanted to manage his fleets, or the tech was too complicated for drivers and project managers to integrate.

For Steve, all roads lead to a dead-end that did not justify the expense. Until, a friend in the industry referred him to Dauber, claiming it could accomplish all that he was missing beforehand, and then some.

Steve set up a demo with Dauber and quickly saw how the technology was different than everything else on the market. After vetting the application and working with the Dauber team to find the perfect solution, AGGSHIP Solutions was built.

“Before I found Dauber, I was about to call an end to my career in the hauling industry”
– Steve Howard


Life With Dauber


Since creating a business model around Dauber Applications, AGGSHIP has seen: 

A Few of AGGSHIPs Favorite Dauber Features:

Although a growing company normally comes with extra stresses, AGGSHIP says their success and growth have almost gone unnoticed because of the workload Dauber helps to relieve. Steve loves the accuracy and reliability of Dauber applications. He feels as though Dauber truly is “the better way.”

Improve Fleet Fuel Efficiency with Trucking Technology

fuel efficiency

How Trucking Technology Can Improve Your Fleet’s Fuel Efficiency

The cost of fuel fluctuates on any given day, and your fleet may feel the financial impact after some time. It can be frustrating as a fleet owner or operator when the price of fuel is out of your control, however, there are other things you can control in your fleet to cut fuel costs. Dauber’s fleet management software has features that will track your fleet’s performance and optimize drivers’ routes. Telematics can help you manage your fleet’s fuel consumption, and ensure that your drivers are being safe, efficient, and productive with the fuel they use.

Behaviors That Decrease Fuel Efficiency


Speeding is one of the most common driver behaviors that cause a decrease in your fleet’s fuel efficiency. Gas mileage for larger trucks decreases when going over 65 miles per hour, it is imperative that drivers stay between the 60-65 mph range. Glen Kedzie, the previous Vice President of energy and environmental counsel for the American Trucking Association said, “As a rule of thumb, for every one mile per hour increase in speed, there is a corresponding 0.14 mile-per-gallon (mpg) fuel consumption penalty.” So when a truck is moving at 65mph instead of speeding at 75mph, they will see a 27% improvement in their fuel efficiency.

Engine Idling

Engine idling is another driver behavior that can take a serious toll on your truck’s fuel consumption. Idling can use up a half to a full gallon of a truck’s fuel every hour it is left running. Drivers often leave their trucks idling during their rest periods (8-10 hours), which turns into approximately 1,800 hours and $4,000 in idle fuel waste throughout the year. Drivers will often sit with their trucks idling before or after work, during breaks, or while waiting for their next dispatch.

Inefficient Routing

Your fleet can end up wasting a lot of money on fuel if they aren’t driving on optimized routes. When routes are unnecessarily long, drivers get caught up in traffic, or they get lost, losing you money on wasted fuel.

How Can Dauber’s Technology Help?

Dauber app’s telematic technology conducts real-time fleet performance reporting as drivers are on route and can alert you to any of the unwanted driver behaviors mentioned above. Optimizing driver’s routes and correcting speeding and engine idling will ultimately keep your drivers safer, and reduce your long-term fuel costs.

The Dauber app is constantly working and reevaluating your fleet, to efficiently assign work to the available drivers. Automatic dispatching technology means that your drivers won’t have to sit idling in their trucks and wasting fuel while they wait for their next job. GPS tracking and route optimization ensure that your drivers are on the most efficient routes possible so that they can shorten their driving time and get to their stops faster. When you are saving time, you are saving money.

Schedule A Demo With The Dauber App

Utilizing the technology that the Dauber app offers, ultimately decreases the number of empty miles driven and increases the number of loads delivered by your fleet. The Dauber app’s GPS tracking, responsive route optimization, and automatic dispatching features can significantly reduce your fuel consumption costs and give you even greater insight into your fleet. The technology that the Dauber app offers will have your fleet running as efficiently as possible. Try a demo with the Dauber app today to see how it can optimize your fleet!

Benefits Of A Transportation Management System

management system

Benefits Of A Transportation Management System

For years, the trucking industry has been bogged down by logistical obstacles. Lost paperwork and miscommunication between drivers leads to deliveries arriving late and customers being unhappy. A transportation management system automates your fleets dispatching and relieves the headache of having to manage your drivers schedules and deadlines. Dauber’s automatic dispatching technology is easy-to-use and it will help you plan and speed up the overall flow of materials. Other transportation management system features like fleet performance reporting and paperless tickets have become one of the most effective ways to keep track of everything you need, from roads and schedules to drivers and invoicing. Listed below are just a few of the other benefits of Dauber’s transportation management system.


Automatic Dispatching Makes It Easier To Find Drivers

Instead of waiting around all day to connect with your drivers about their next job, automatic dispatching technology allows you to send out work automatically to the drivers in your fleet. Your drivers will be picking up or dropping off materials through an optimized route based on their availability and their current location. This updated technology ensures that your trucks are maximizing their loads per day and that they are showing up in the right place at the right time.


Going Paperless Helps You Get Paid Faster

Gone are the days where you let stacks of load slips and tickets pile up on your desk. Misplaced papers not only throw off the flow of materials, but it could also mean that you do not get paid. With no documentation of the materials moving between sites, you could be held liable and risk not receiving payment for completing the jobs. Electronic load slips and touchless ticketing keep your drivers safer and you more organized as everything is digitized and made conveniently accessible from your smartphone. With this technology, you’ll never lose another load slip and your invoicing and payroll can be done more accurately, efficiently, and quickly.

Status Tracking Increases Your Visibility

GPS status tracking increases the real-time visibility of your fleet as it allows you to see where the truck is on its route and stay up to date as it moves between sites. Responsive route optimization technology automatically gives drivers the best route with clear driving instructions to their next pick-up location.  As jobs are completed, fleet performance reporting is done automatically to evaluate the drivers’ job performance. These transportation management system features make communication and coordination between you and your drivers much easier. More visibility ultimately means more control over your fleet.

Dauber Makes Your Fleet More Efficient

The Dauber app is a valuable tool that maximizes your fleet’s efficiency with features like automatic dispatching and route optimization. Dauber’s easy-to-use features and real-time support gives you everything you need to scale with your fleet as it grows. Automating the workflow and utilizing transportation management technology will ultimately help you to increase visibility and have better control of your fleet. You can optimize your logistics and start inspiring your drivers to be more efficient by scheduling a demo with the Dauber app today!

COVID-19’s Impact on the Trucking Industry

trucking industry

COVID-19’s Impact on the Trucking Industry

We are truly living through unprecedented times. COVID-19 has impacted what seems like every industry and business throughout the U.S. in some way. Over the past few months, businesses have closed down, stay-at-home orders were put in place, and social distancing protocols were established. It is in times of crisis like this, that the trucking industry shines through as an important piece of the backbone for the economy.

The information below will guide you through some of the most significant changes and things to keep in mind as an employee in the trucking industry.


Rules and Regulations

Truck drivers were deemed essential critical infrastructure workers and have continued to work through the chaos of COVID-19. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, or the FMCSA, has issued a few new waivers and rules to ensure that things can continue to run smoothly on the roads.

  • CDL Waivers: It is now easier than ever for drivers to get their CDL renewed. All CDL’s that expire on or after March 1, 2020 have been automatically extended to September 30, 2020. 
  • CDL Exams: CDL examiners can now administer a CDL test from outside the cab or even conduct testing online.
  • Medical Certification: CDL and CLP holders will not be required to take a medical examination and be certified if:
    • They have proof of being medically certified for 90 days or longer
    • The medical certification expires on or after March 1, 2020 


Driver Health and Safety

Drivers continue to risk their health to help the economy and make sure the supply chains continue operating undisturbed. Although drivers spend the majority of their time alone in the cab of their truck, there is always the risk of contracting the virus when interacting with site operators, coworkers, or when stopping to access amenities.

Personal protective equipment (PPE) should be made readily available for all drivers to promote their health and safety while on the road. The fewer drivers have to come in close contact with other people or objects at all, the better. Touchless ticketing technology benefits drivers and site operators, because they can conveniently conduct all business from their smartphone. This technology significantly reduces the chance of disease transmission altogether, as drivers never needs to leave their truck and ticket signers don’t have to hand over a physical piece of paper.


The Dauber App is Safe and Easy-to-Use

The Dauber App can help you get ahead in the trucking industry and have one of the most efficient fleets on the road. COVID-19 is going to continue to evolve and bring other changes to the trucking industry. Daubers’ incredible features like Touchless Ticketing and Automatic Dispatching will have you optimizing the logistics of your fleet even through COVID-19. Upgrade your fleet by scheduling a demo with the Dauber App today so that you can begin to operate in the safest and most efficient manner possible! 

Unlocking Growth for Process Industries

Process Industries

Unlocking Growth for Process Industries The pain points we’ve discussed in our dump truck blog series also affect other process industries that are vital to our economy. These pain points include: Limited Visibility of Supply Chain Unreliable Communication and Record-Keeping Inefficient Routing Processes These systematic problems create difficulty for businesses in the process industries to […]

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Paper Tickets: Dump Truck Pain Points Pt. 2

Messy Trucking Ticketing Papers | Dauber App- Solutions for Fleet Owners, Drivers and Dispatchers

Welcome back to our 7-week blog series titled, “Dump Truck Pain Points”, where we are exploring the most common pain points experienced by fleet owners, operators, and drivers, and explaining how the Dauber App was developed to help you overcome them. Dauber’s goal for the industry as a whole is to equip it to enjoy […]

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